Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Supply Chain Management A Look At The Concept And Its...

Supply Chain Management: A Look at the Concept and its Advantages, Disadvantages (Challenges), and New Trends Andrew Gedeon, Polette Merza(C), Haitham Arab, Andrew Arida, Sami Fleihan Operations and Production Management (OPM301) Dr. Raed El-Khalil May 4, 2015 Abstract The paper takes a look at one of the most popular topics in all the international companies, which is Supply Chain Management. The study starts by letting you know how it all started, and to explain to the reader what is supply chain, what it is made of, and how it is implemented in companies. The next part will let the reader know how this can help your company going forward, the benefits, and how it improves your company. The next part of this paper will be dealing with the new trends affecting Supply Chain Management, mainly on how technology have let Supply Chain Management improve to make it more effective and sufficient, and also the rising concerns about the environment, and how supply chain management went green. Table of Contents Introduction The Scope of Supply Chain Management Need for Implementation Need for IntegrationNeed for Collaboration New Concepts in Supply Chain Management Information Technology and Supply Chain Management Green Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management: A Look at the Concept and its Advantages, Disadvantages (Challenges), and New Trends Introduction: The concept first emerged in the 1980s after an extensive study was done on the time it takesShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Supply Chains Management Process Essay1582 Words   |  7 Pages Supply chains management (SCM) is one of popular concept in business administration both in practical areas and academic discipline. Supply chains management can be seen as a response to the changing of global market conditions. Level of uncertainty in almost every aspect of our life from political to economy, from natural disaster to advance technology has lead massive changes in global and local market. 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